Are You Confused About

"What to Eat" & "What Not to Eat" in Weight Loss or Disease?

End the Confusion and Frustration!

Don’t Believe Us! Listen To What Other People Are Saying

Video Testimonial

Boost Energy Level & Metabolism, Improve Internal Organs’ Health & Look More Confident Than Before

Reduce weight up to 5 Kgs just in 21 Days

Do You want to Fit into Your Old Cloths?

  • Trusted By Over 10+ Doctors & 1000+ Individuals
  • Scientific Nutrition Guidance For All Age Groups
  • The Secret of Weight Lose is in Your Kitchen
  • Results Within First 5 Days

Why Diet Koko?

A Service Like Ours Could Save You From Unwanted Health Issues

Why To Take Our Diet Plans?

  • No Fancy, Boring & Restricted Diet Only Pure Desi Kitchen Diet- No
    Supplements & Products
  • Customized Diet As Per Your Requirement- Easy To Follow & Cook
  • No Need To Suppress Cravings Cheat Meal Included & Diet Rotation Every Week

How We Do Client Care?

  • 6+ Years Experience- 1000+ Success Stories- Helped 20K+ People-Clients in Multiple Countries
  • A Team of Qualified Doctors & Trained Dietitians
  • Region’s Most Trusted Diet Delivery Platform

Why Choose Us?

  • Periodic Clients Monitoring- Follow Up Calls- Instant 1-1 Chat- Two Way Relationship of Trust
  • Special Diet Plan in Case of Illness, Travel, Festival & Party
  • No False Promises- We Treat You As A Family

Why To Take Our Diet Plans?

  • No Fancy, Boring & Restricted Diet Only Pure Desi Kitchen Diet- No
    Supplements & Products
  • Customized Diet As Per Your Requirement- Easy To Follow & Cook
  • No Need To Suppress Cravings Cheat Meal Included & Diet Rotation Every Week

How We Do Client Care?

  • 6+ Years Experience- 5000+ Success Stories- Helped 20K+ People-Clients in Multiple Countries
  • A Team of Qualified Doctors & Trained Dietitians
  • Region’s Most Trusted Diet Delivery Platform

Why Choose Us?

  • Periodic Clients Monitoring- Follow Up Calls- Instant 1-1 Chat- Two Way Relationship of Trust
  • Special Diet Plan in Case of Illness, Travel, Festival & Party
  • No False Promises- We Treat You As A Family

Numbers Don’t Lie

We Are Revolutionizing with Diet Plans

Diet Plan Delivered
0 +
Clients Served Globally
0 +
Kgs Weight Lose
0 +
Disease Reversal
0 +
Lives Changed
0 +
Recipes Designed
0 +

Healing Stories

Stories of People Who Have Cured Themselves with Our Kitchen Based Diet

Suman Bala (Teacher-TGT)

Problem of Diabetes, High BP, Uric Acid, Low Vitamin D, Low Calcium & Gastro Gone in 6 Months

When I joined in Feb, 2020, I was suffering from some of the ailments, likeincreasedsugar level, uric acid, lowVitamin D, low calcium,Gastro problem, due to which I used to feel very lethargic.But after sticking to the diet planprepared by Gurveek’s dietician,helpedme in recuperating from allproblems to normal vitals of the body. Hisplan has not only made me feel good but helped me to reduce 7 kgs so far.

Umesh Srivastava Senior Engineer

Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Reversed in 5 Months & Kidney Health Improved by 7 %

After following his diet medication and yoga for 5 months my diabetes is stable within prescribed norms. My BP is normal too almost without medication and kidney function has improved by 5to 7%.

Sahil Bajaj Businessman & IAS Aspirant

Serious Multiple Cardiac Complications Solved in 5 Months

I m following the diet of Gurveek Pajji from last 9 months. I lost 9 kgs in first 4 months & in next 5 months my serious multiple cardiac medical complications get minimized. Gurveek Pajji’s Team not only focus on your physical health but mental health as well. They focus on your specific health issue & then make specific diet for your body.

Tejasavi Sahni Advocate at Punjab and Haryana High Court

Acidity Attack & Frequent Headache Problem Cured in 3 Months

I was suffering from Duodenitis, Acidity, Gas, Frequent Burping, Feeling low all the time & Lack of energy. I was not able to eat Eggs, Cheese, Pizza, Rajma, Channa, Potato etc. Pain started from neck goes to my head and back of my eyes. And to get temporary relief, I had to go to washroom and forcefully vomit. After following diet plan by Gurveek sir’s team, I feel 30-40% relieved, more confident, energetic and my acid problem is very less now.

Aashima Agarwal Post Graduate Student

5 Year Struggle With PCOD & Iron Deficiency Gone Just in 3 Months

Hello Gurveek bhaiya, thank you so much as I have reduced 9 kgs from 83 to 74 in 3 months. I never thought that it is possible to reduce weight with PCOD. Now, I feel much energetic and positive. Also the best part was that diet was designed according to my taste and preferences as I am very choosy and it was very easy to follow. Honestly, I learnt with you, it is not all about weight loss but a healthy life style.

Dr Gurvinder Singh Medical Officer-HCMS

Cardio Health Improved Just in 2 Months

Team Gurveek managed my diet plan so meticulously that I can eat when I have time in Covid 19 period busy schedule despite my high cholesterol levels. Team Gurveek’s diet plan has simplified things merely on natural staple diet. Their Ayurvedic tips are unforgettable. Specially #chatani.

Santosh Chaudhary Housewife

15 Years Old Chronic Constipation Cured along IBS

I am very thankful to Mr. Gurveek Maan’s Team (All brilliant dieticians). Their diet helped me a lot in weight loss, getting rid of chronic constipation and in many more problems. I have lose 8 kg weight just in 2 and half month and I was suffering from constipation from last 15 years.

Ramji Lal College Lecturer

Sleeplessness & Weakness of 8 Years, Gone in 21 Days

जब मैं Gurveek Maan से मिला तो, इनके बताए हुए टिप्स विचार और आइडिया से मैंने मेरी सारी समस्या को दूर कर लिया है। इनसे मिलने से पहले मेरे शरीर में कमजोरी थी। मैंने जयपुर, चंडीगढ़, हिसार ,सिरसा डॉक्टरों से इलाज करवाया लेकिन कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ। लाखों रुपए खर्च करने के बाद मेरी जिंदगी में नई उमंग डालने का श्रेय मैं Sir को देता हूं । जिनकी बदौलत आज मैं कॉन्फिडेंट व उमंग से भरा हुआ हूं ।

Sakshi Garg Women Health Entrepreneur

How 50 Year Old Sakshi Lost 37 Kilos in 8 Months

My weight loss journey could not have been as smooth as it is under your guidance Gurveek. I never imagined that I can lose weight without any exercise but it was you who made it happen. I started from 114 kgs and reached 77.6 kgs. You motivated me to change not just diet but Lifestyle. A wholehearted thanks Gurveek & your team. My waist size was 54 inches when i started, now its 39.5 inch.

Anil Narula Director, Anil Nirula IAS Study Centre

Diet Koko’s Diet Plans Are Superb as They Stresses on Desi Home Made Things

Diet KoKo’s diet plans are superb as they stresses on desi home made things not the exotic ones. Their entire dieticians motivates you, helps you on every step. Thank you so much Gurveek. keep it up !!

Sunil Singla Insan Chartered Accountant

Lost 14 kgs in Just 2.5 Months

My weight loss journey with dietician’s of Diet KoKo was great. I lost 14 kgs in just 2.5 months. Dieting was never dieting, in fact every meal was interesting in their diet plan. No one can motivate u like u Gurveek paaji. My life got changed due to u. I became much confident than before. U pushed me every time when I wanted to give up. Dat was a life changing experinece for me. U alwayz had innovation in diet plan as well as exercises.

Mudita Raj Ex-Assistant Professor at Lovely Professional University

Got Shape & Slim Before Wedding

I genuinely acknowledge the authenticity and command of Mr. Gurveek & his dieticians in terms of health and diet suggestions they gave right before few months of my marriage as I wanted to shed some weight. The diet plan they recommended was such that it did not feel that you are keeping yourself away from the food we love like he kept rice, ghee and stuffs so that the person is also not bored of or not taking any stress that I cannot this and that!!!

Ankita Singh Former Assistant Project Manager at Reliance Industries Limited

Challenge the Fake World- Keep It Simple and Not Make Things Fancy

Yes totally! Gurveek and his team’s initiative both are genuine and bold. They are trying to challenge the fake world of information and help us in connecting with our own body and mind through following simple diet system! They keep things simple and not make it fancy unnecessary by advertising or by providing wrong way. Gurveek has practical knowledge of his field and that's what makes him reliable. I recommend Diet Koko to everyone who is confused “what to eat & what not to Eat!

Rubaru Program- Disease

A Personalized & Medically Supervised Disease Management Program To Cure Any Disease Naturally


Rubaru Program- Weight Loss

Lose Weight Quickly & Naturally in 21 Days Go Beyond Calorie Counting No Need to Suppress Food Cravings