How to control Diabetes without side effects?

Today we are going to tell you such a miraculous experiment. Which does not have any side effects and it will bring your sugar level under complete control. The great thing is that, in this experiment, you will not have to consume any bitter thing.For this, you first take bitter gourd. Take one kilo of […]

How to stay beautiful during pregnancy?

Know 5 pregnancy beauty care tips: 1 In this condition, the body needs more nutrients, whose deficiency can steal beauty, so take special care of health and diet. Include milk, curd, green vegetables, pulses etc.2 Take a diet rich in vitamins for the eyes, so that there will be no problem of dark circles under […]

Is there any Natural Remedy for bloody Piles?

Grind green leaves of marigold with black pepper and consume it once daily for four days. Green leaves will be found on the branch below the marigold flower. Grind 10 grams leaves and 7 black pepper together. Marigold flowers 10 grams (yellow ones), 7 grains of black pepper,Grinding both of them like cooling, mixing them […]