16 Amazing Health tips and benefits of Honey
(1). Mixing honey in ginger juice or gooseberry decoction gives relief in cough. (2). Mixing honey in ripe mango juice and giving it is beneficial in jaundice. (3). Children who are forbidden to consume sugar, can be given honey instead of sugar. (4). Use of honey along with mint juice is beneficial during vomiting. (5). […]
What to do in case of Heart arteries blockage?
Nowadays many people are troubled due to blockage of arteries.Due to lack of exercise and improper diet, this disease is taking the form of epidemic. Lots of money is spent on surgery, even after that 100% results are not available. If you want to avoid this trouble, then follow below recipe:(1). 1 cup ginger juice(2). […]
Benefits of Eating Millet in Winter
1. Consuming millet during winters is very beneficial for maintaining internal heat in the body. This is the reason why most of the people like to eat bajra roti or other dishes in cold weather.2. Millet is rich in calcium, and you can consume it instead of any calcium substitute. It is very beneficial in […]