Cough-cold is a problem that comes with every changing season. Cough can be due to bacterial or viral infection, allergy, sinus infection or cold but in our country people do not go to doctors for every problem. Many such home remedies are hidden in our kitchen, which cure minor diseases like cough and cold.
Consume a clove of garlic and dried raisins on an empty stomach in the morning. After an hour, boil four small peppers and two cloves of garlic in a glass of water like tea. Do not add tea leaves. Just add sugar and milk. Boil it and drink it when it cools down. If you feel more heat after consuming it, then reduce the quantity of garlic by half. This remedy has to be done both in the morning as well as in the evening.
With this remedy, do ‘Jalneti’ by adding a little salt to lukewarm water in the morning and evening. Those who have a complaint of acidity (hyperacidity), first treat it and pacify it. After that do this remedy. Cold will be eradicated from the root.