- Boil 4 dried dates in a glass of milk in cold days and let it cool, then take out dried dates from the milk and eat it after chewing well and drink hot milk while sleeping in the morning or at night. Consuming this for 3-4 months will make the body vigorous and increase beauty.
- Urine disease is cured by eating dates. Date milk is also beneficial. If the child urinates on the bed, then give him milk mixed with milk at night. He transmits this power. Along with this, if urine comes frequently in old age, then eating two dates a day will be beneficial.
- Wash 3-4 dates in hot water, take out their kernels and boil them with cow’s milk and drink the boiled milk morning and evening. Low blood pressure patients will get relief from low blood pressure in a few days.
- Drinking warm milk after eating dates or drinking milk containing dates provides relief in diseases caused by calcium deficiency, weakness of teeth, melting of bones etc.
- Roasted date palm in ghee and consume it 2-3 times a day, boil date palm in milk and drink it before sleeping at night, it provides relief in cough, sneezing, cold, phlegm.
- Apart from this, drinking warm water after eating 3 dates in the morning and evening removes constipation, and if an asthma patient chews 2-2 dates daily in the morning and evening, then the lungs get strength and get relief in cough and cold. . If you do not want to eat them after chewing, then boil them in milk and then eat them and drink hot milk.