• Fitness & Lifestyle,General Nutrition2 years ago

    Drinking lemon mixed with lukewarm water ends the problem of digestion.
    Taking half a lemon with half a glass of water is beneficial for throat infection.
    Potassium is found in lemon. It is very beneficial for heart patients. Also, lemon water is useful in high blood pressure, dizziness and nausea.
    Squeezing lemon in lukewarm water and gargling it doesn’t make the mouth smell bad. Teeth become strong.
    Lemonade strengthens the immune system.
    Taking a lemon squeezed into a glass of water on an empty stomach keeps the stomach clean.
    To control obesity, drink a glass of lemon water mixed with one teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach in the morning.
    Drink lemon juice by adding it to tea or boil the juice of one lemon in water on a low flame. Drink it after it cools down, it will remove the heat caused by fever and fever will not come.

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