• Fitness & Lifestyle,General Nutrition2 years ago

    Make ragi a part of diet, apart from health benefits, beauty will also improve.

    Body will be relaxed – By including ragi in the daily diet, the elements present in it help the body to relax and also help in getting out of depression.

    Relief from insomnia – Antioxidants present in ragi are also beneficial in diseases like insomnia (sleeplessness). Antioxidants called tryptophan and amino acids present in ragi make ragi a special grain in terms of health.

    Brighten the skin – Eating ragi daily is helpful in keeping the skin young and glowing. The methionine and lysine present in it help in maintaining the firmness of the skin and preventing wrinkles.

    Improve digestion – The alkaline element present in ragi improves digestion and helps in digesting food quickly.

    Strengthen the bones – Phosphorus found in ragi helps in the development of bones as well as helps in making them strong.

    It is believed that ragi should be eaten after removing its peels, because its peels are not easily digested.

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